With lots of people traveling for the holidays it is a good idea to review the safety of your car seat. While it may look like your car seat is installed correctly, there are many small details that can affect its safety. I just installed Lily's convertible seat and went to our local police station to have it inspected. It was in nice and secure, but the officer pointed out a few other safety precautions. He said the retractable sun shades on the windows are not safe. They are dangerous because they could fly off in an accident and hit the baby in the head. He recommended the non-retractable ones that only use suction cups. He also said that mirrors that are installed so you can see the baby are not good. If there was an accident the baby could hit their head on it. So down come the sun shades and good bye mirror. It makes me wonder why these items are even sold.
Some other safety tips you may not know
• Use blankets to keep your child warm rather than a bulky jacket
• Be sure to put the handle down on any bucket car seat
• Tighten straps tight enough that only one finger can fit underneath it
• Putting the seat in the middle and rear facing is the safest
To find a local car seat inspection center in your area visit SeatCheck
safe travels from one mom,
I've been meaning to thank you for this -- I knew we failed to install the mirrors and roller shades for a reason ;-)